"I remember I walked into class, it was History to 1865, and I sat all the way in the back," Mark told me the first time I met him and Sara. "Sara was in the front...she was like the Hermione of the class sitting front and center paying attention. We had a big project due the following week but the teacher had forgotten to go over it the entire class. We all anticipated it wasn't going to be due yet until Sara raised her hand right before we were dismissed and asked the professor about the project due next week and he thanked her for reminding him. I remember I hated her for at least two weeks after that." The following semester however, Mark planned his classes around making sure he could be in some of them with Sara so he could see her more.
Sara was a little hesitant when Mark first asked her out, but it wasn't long after the two started dating and on a snowy Saturday last November, Mark proposed. Without any hesitation at all, Sara said yes.
I ventured north into Connecticut to meet these two a few weeks ago on a rainy Sunday. Between their huge smiles and bright colors you would have never known the weather was so bad. Check out some of the highlights from our day hanging out below...

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